➔ [5] Editor's Note
| 2 minute read
Well, lainzine 5 is here! Sorta..
Lainzine 5 is a lot different from the last releases, and that’s because of a problem that keeps happening in the work flow. We seem to have plenty of articles and artwork submitted to the zine (in spite of attempts to mislead our authors), but very few people with the ability and willingness to typeset or do layout. When we do have those people, the chore of making a 60+ page PDF is too much effort for a single person on a volunteer project such as this - especially when we all have jobs and school to go to.
➔ [5] Ghosts in the Shell
| 10 minute read
The Wired is haunted, lainon. Some places, the spirits follow you home. by Nullmuse 00 August 2nd, 2016. A script breaks through its loop, jumping to input subroutines. A long string of failed logins, hundreds of demoralizing access denied messages, terminating with a successful bash prompt. The life of a bruteforce script ends in two ways; it wins or it dies. Today the bruteforcer is a winner, its glory taking the shape of a root shell, somewhere in the heart of Tokyo:
➔ [5] go-outside.txt
| 5 minute read
by Hisui Kohaku I don’t know if this was really an experience of yours as a kid, but my friends and I were told to “turn off the screen and go outside,” as if we weren’t socializing enough indoors or something. Begrudgingly, we’d leave our games or anime on pause and go out until we were let back into our fantasy realms. We did socialize, but much of the time, it was just about that: our virtual worlds; the ones we were really living in, where we achieved great triumphs and people actually cared about our lonely tragedies.
➔ [5] Growing Mushrooms
| 10 minute read
This method is by no means perfect. It does not have the highest yields and there is lots of potential for contams. However, this is what I know. It has worked for me, it requires little ingredients, and it will fit into a small space. The method we will be using for inoculation is what is known as the PF tek, and we will be using Mini Mono Tubs for the fruiting.
➔ [5] Hacking Java-Webapps for Dummkopfs
| 6 minute read
While PHP dominates the web development ecosystem, many competitors such as NodeJS, Ruby and Python have risen against it. One of the oldest competitors is Java, an enterprise grade OOP language, which can be run in many environments. Because of its platform independent model and enterprise grade programming, it is used in many corporations and state driven projects as the language of choice.
If you want to perform a run on Arasaka Inc.
➔ [5] Security Consulting and the Future
| 8 minute read
By: Lisbeth Disclaimer: This is an article written from the perspective of a security consultant/private investigator working discretely for multiple firms. As such, it has been necessary for the majority of the information here contained to be altered, redacted, and/or to some degree fabricated. However, as the author, I have done my best despite these modifications to give perspective on the world that I’ve already been a part of and which will, soon, be a reality for everyone.
➔ [5] The Importance of Birds
| 2 minute read
A Fable by: THE PROJECTOR A lone crow flies over a great plain. The plains are obscured and isolated, but he has flown over them enough to know the land. A few bushes have begun to grow here. The bushes that grow here bear fruit plentifully and can be regrown easily by their fruits. The crows of the field have learned to regrow the bushes, and so the days are long and bountiful.
➔ [5] Lossless Data Compression
| 7 minute read
by: Rukako 1 Introduction Computers are amazing: you can automate your work, compute like you had a thousand years of free time, and store a lot of data. However, the space to store all this data is unfortunately limited. What happens when you run out of space? Buy a new disk? Remove some of your precious information? No, you need to compress your files.
Many files are already compressed – like pictures or music – but the algorithms used to compress them are not suitable to handle text files or executables.