[3] Secure Communications Over Insecure Channels
By Michel Walker
Secure Communications Over Insecure Channels1
According to traditional conceptions of cryptographic security, it is necessary to transmit a key, by secret means, before encrypted messages can be sent securely. This paper shows that it is possible to select a key over open communications channels in such a fashion that communications security can be maintained. A method is described which forces any enemy to expend an amount of work which increases as the square of the work required of the two communicants to select the key. The method provides a logically new kind of protection against the passive eavesdropper. It suggests that further research on this topic will be highly rewarding, both in a theoretical and a practical sense.
This is one of the first papers on public-key2 cryptography, based on solving puzzles: small ciphertexts designed to be broken. The protocol was originally devised in 1974, and a revised version of the paper published in 1978. The paper starts by talking about the problems with traditional crypto methods, which can be summarised as two points:
- Traditional crypto requires a secret key, known only to the legitimate participants.
- Traditional crypto assumes the existence of a totally secure channel in order to distribute this key.
The solution is to not have a secure channel! The contribution of this paper is the idea that even when an attacker has perfect information of all the communications, a secure key can still be decided upon by the participants without an attacker being able to easily get it. More precisely, that an attacker would have to put in significantly more work than the participants to determine the key.
In this algorithm, the attacker needs to put in O(N2) work, whereas each participant only needs O(N) work. If we call the two participants Alice and Bob, the key decision process goes like this:
- Alice and Bob agree on some number N.
- Alice generates N puzzles, where the work required to break a puzzle
is O(N). More specifically
- A puzzle is an encrypted string consisting of a random ID number, a random key, and some constant string.
- Encryption is done by using some strong algorithm and restricting the size of the key space to some linear function of N.
- Each puzzle is encrypted with a different random key from this key space (note that this is not the same as the key included in the puzzle cleartext).
- Alice transmits all the puzzles to Bob.
- Bob picks one puzzle at random, and solves it. Specifically: Bob brute-forces the key of the puzzle (this is the only possible method, as a strong encryption function was chosen). Bob can check that a puzzle was correctly decrypted by checking for the agreed-upon constant string.
- Bob transmits the ID number of the chosen puzzle to Alice.
- Alice and Bob now use the key from that puzzle for all further communications.
Let’s introduce an attacker Eve, and summarise what they all know after this exchange:
Alice knows the N puzzles, the cleartext of all puzzles, Bob’s chosen ID number, and the corresponding key.
Bob knows the N puzzles, the cleartext of one puzzle, the ID number, and the corresponding key.
Eve knows the N puzzles and the ID number.
The only way for Eve to get the corresponding key is to solve puzzles at random until she finds one with a matching ID number. This will require solving N/2 puzzles on average, which corresponds to O(N2) time, as each puzzle takes O(N) to solve.
There is no reason to assume an exponential method is impossible. […] To attain realistic levels of security using the O(N2) method would require a large value for N, which would be costly. An exponential method would eliminate this cost, and so be more attractive.
Such an exponential-time algorithm is Diffie–Hellman3 key exchange, which is now the basis of a lot of modern public-key crypto. Hellman himself suggests that the algorithm should be instead called “Diffie–Hellman–Merkle key exchange”, as Merkle first developed the idea that you can agree on a secret key over a public channel:
The system […] has since become known as Diffie–Hellman key exchange. While that system was first described in a paper by Diffie and me, it is a public key distribution system, a concept developed by Merkle, and hence should be called ‘Diffie–Hellman–Merkle key exchange’ if names are to be associated with it. I hope this small pulpit might help in that endeavor to recognize Merkle’s equal contribution to the invention of public key cryptography4. Merkle goes further than just proposing a key exchange algorithm, he anticipates the development of publicly-known keys and keyservers!
He discusses this in the context of an organisation wishing to have private communication in the face of an enemy, based on codebooks:
First, each unit or command that wished to be in the code book would generate its own first transmission [the constant string and the N puzzles]. These would all be sent to a central site, where the names and first transmissions of all involved communicants would be entered into the code book. The codebook would then be distributed. In essence, we are simply specifying the nature of the communication channel between X and Y. It is not a direct communication channel, but is somewhat roundabout. X publishes his first transmission in the codebook, along with his name. The return transmission from Y to X can now take place over normal communication channels. Y is assured that he is talking to X, because Y looked up X’s first transmission in the codebook. At this point X and Y have established a common key, but X does not know that he is talking to Y. Anyone could have sent the return transmission, claiming they were Y. To avoid this, X and Y repeat the process of selecting a key, but X now looks up Y in the codebook, and sends a return transmission to Y, based on Y’s first transmission. The return transmission will be meaningful only to Y, because the return transmission is based on Y’s first transmission. X knows Y’s first transmission came from Y, because it is entered in the codebook. If X and Y now use both keys, then they are assured they are talking to each other, and no one else. To summarize: using only a codebook, which is assumed to be correct, but which is not assumed to be secret, X and Y have established an authenticated, secure communications channel. They have done so quickly and easily. The key need be used for only a short period of time (a single conversation), and can then be changed with equal ease.
A more familiar discussion then follows proposing effectively the same protocol, but in the context of computer systems. The compiler of the codebook is the network administrator, and the codebook is the listing of users.
It would be no exaggeration to say that, without this contribution, public-key cryptography would have been much slower to develop, and the state of secure communication would not be as happy as it is today. Furthermore, like many papers introducing an entirely new field, this one is simple, it’s easy to read, and it doesn’t require a lot of background knowledge. The algorithm described can be implemented in a few dozen lines of code. This is a strength not only of Merkle’s presentation of this material in particular, but of all foundational papers.
And that’s why we read classic CS papers.
Here are some discussion points if you want to talk about this paper with others:
The paper mentions an attacker discovering a secret key being transmitted over a secure channel (as in traditional crypto) by “practical cryptanalysis”, a euphemism for physically intercepting the message. Public-key crypto solves this to some extent, but is the issue of “practical cryptanalysis” totally solved?
This algorithm requires an attacker to put in O(N2) work to determine the key, whereas the communicants only need O(N) work. Quadratic time isn’t generally regarded as being very good for crypto nowadays. Why?
As all the communication is public, an attacker could just record everything said and gain access to all communications past, present, and future when they eventually crack the key. Why isn’t this a huge flaw with public-key cryptography?
https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= ↩︎
The meaning of “public-key” has shifted a bit from when this paper was written. It looks like Merkle used it to mean that the key negotiation happens over a public channel, but modern usage specifically refers to asymmetric cryptosystems where keys are distributed (publicly) in advance. ↩︎
New directions in cryptography Diffie & Hellman 1976 ↩︎
An overview of public key cryptography Hellman 2002 ↩︎