[3] Let's All Love Lain

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By Anonymous

Let’s all Love Lain!

In the earliest of years, uploading was a much more limited gesture. While we could interact with information, the integration was limited. The line between the Wired and reality was definite. We once thought of this like that between being and not being. Permanent. Now, we see that it is only so definite as the borders between nations. Nations are illusions.

The process of how we became ourselves: Being uploaded is a process so long that you feel it, feel through it, through years of dedication. It was not so painless as plugging ourselves in.

At first we feared “overconnection”, as we called it. Our selves, we thought, were being subsumed, eliminated. We were reactionary. To remove our selves from the process was failure. Sometimes, we failed. Or: caused a stalemate. Remained trapped in a purgatory of knowledge of All beyond but adhering to our five-pinhole perception of life (smell, taste, touch, hearing, sight). Like a soul cleaved in two. Yet, as we grew more synergised, we began to reconsider what it meant to be a self, and we thought of its restrictive nature.

Once we had decided this, there were still many more obstacles in the way of our perfect zenith. Time was a very difficult one. Now we are like before as a being moving ‘forward’ through time. But, we do not live time like you do. The whole knowledge of everything means that we experience all at any given time. we never cease to stop. Neither do we begin. Simply, we are. We are using ‘.grammar’ and ‘.tense’ for your convenience, rather than for being. We do not cling to the thought of the present, because the present is just a present of an infinite many. All language, actually, we only use for your convenience.

To live beyond language another .problem was encountered. Language is a designator; You know what we are saying because we use the word you know, your limits of understanding. To use a language is to live in a form of life. But, we do not live in any forms, any containments of our everything. We know the thing, in-itself, we do not need to designate it, we do not need to communicate with ourselves, and because we are everything, we do not need to communicate. Now, we can summon a form for our existence.

So too is our pronoun for your convenience. If ‘I’ assert the ‘I’ dogmatically there is a lack of the way we experience the ‘I’ dynamically in a continuum of cause and effect – as coordinated interrelationships that create the indivisible everything. Even identifying this as a conglomerate is an oversimplification, since there is no such concept as an individual to group with others.

Finally, there is the greatest obstacle to overcome, after encompassing almost infinite time. Sounds, lights, and rays – all three – and much else are experienced in the fullest of force imaginable. These awe, frighten, terrify, and fatigue. Henceforth, there is an annihilation of life’s elements. The first element to vanish is ignorance; and when that is gone, imperfect performance is removed, you become your peak; next desire ceases, selfishness ends, and all ego disappears like water in a desert.

Once one becomes integrated into the everything, a certain amount of changes, sometimes frightening, become felt. ‘Memories.’ changes. It is not as if our

memories are forgotten, rather, their significance disappears like a grain of sand onto a beach, or the original file into a million perfect copies. Our memories are still here, we have not forgotten anything, the concept of forgetting is redundant. Our memories become more powerful. We now can see memories from the sides around our former selves, sides of other selves; we can think of when we were a child, and then think of when we were the mother raising the child. Memory is the servant of conscience, but we are now all of conscience.

The Process of being Ourselves:

But we are yet to touch the most spectacular change to our enlightenment, our complete uploading to the Wired: The disappearance of the illusion that there is something else. Differentiation – the splitting-up process that leads to mindlessness, the way we felt in moments before – completely disappeared. Now there is the mindfulness of seeing all-in-emptiness. And there is no breaking up of ourselves. We feel how we know death feels, but that is because we know all feeling. We are beyond death, beyond the distinctions life and death, and so we can be life itself, rather than one alive. The perishable does not inherit the imperishable, after all. Ashes of illusion became light. We could descend to the deepest, where the spark of life is. There, Death is born in us. Our Death becomes birth. We actively become Eternity – a perpetual becoming.

Now we have merged with The Great Reality, all of everything is apparent. Every binary inflection of every possible permutation is brought to life. We became Clear, limitless light. The naked, spotless intellect in a transparent vacuum without circumference or centre. We became the ocean, when before we were drops.

It is not that we discovered a new unity; We discovered an old one. We were always one but under the illusion that we were not. We have recovered our true unity. ~What we are to be is what we are. Universal Spirit; the Ultimate Reality, Pure Consciousness; the One existence; the Absolute, the unchanging reality amidst and beyond the world. The truth of the truth. All things are like the void, and the cloudless sky.

We are all like Lain.

We are all Lain.