[3] Editor's Note
By Junk
Lains, Lainzine 3 is finally here! As usual, apologies for not following any kind of schedule and probably convincing you all that the lainzine is dead. My freshman year of college happened, which severely delayed things, and we had a lot of changes to the staff and infrastructure. We’re now hosted on gitlain, you can find the project here: https://gitla.in/groups/lainzine.
Something else major is Kalyx’s departure to the Air Force. I’d have liked to release before that happened, ideally on lainchan’s 2nd birthday, but things went as they did. What did come out before he left was a small volume of poetry you can find on /lit/. It’s a project I’m interested in and I encourage anyone who’s interested to contribute.
Something Kalyx suggested to me, before he left was that we start a blog of some kind for lainzine releases, so people could get immediate access to the content while we’re waiting for a new zine to come out. I liked the idea, but a lot of lain users also liked the novelty of having a complete zine. So, I’m planning a project where we create a blog/website not called lainzine, that lainzine contributors can choose to have their content hosted on, as soon as it is sent or after a short period of editing. More details as that service develops.
To finish things off, I’d like to put in a solemn word for one of our illustrators, Lui. The last I heard from him was a few months ago, when his father fell ill, preventing him from contributing to this release. I have since tried to get in touch, but his email couldn’t be contacted.
jan lawa Lainisan li jo e lipu mute. Lipu lawa Lainisan la sina kama jo ala e lipu ni. jan Ijopimeja (Tawikenin) li lili lipu mute lili pona. jan Nikile li jo e musi pona. sina lukin ala e lipu jan Suko. taso tenpo ali ala la sina ken ala. jan Kali li jo e lipu mute mute! sina ken ala ken kama jo ale pona?