[3] Actua <Excerpt>
By Tom Millicent
Excerpt from ACTUA_doze
++the omnipotent god_
“I am trying to conjure up his figure and now when I think of him, I see
that he was indeed present in my life.” –pg.48 Demian
“There was a feeling of urgency; as if something had to happen - a
necessary action ++”
+ACTUA had taken some part of our freedom - there was no sign that
it had been planned, though it was no accident; ACTUA shocked the
minds of mankind into submission.
++virtua_ACTUA# is a common & dangerous fault in our mind –
These were dark times – what was once a nation was at a loss as to how we express ourselves. The VIRTUA was a program intended to allow thought, as ACTUA was constraining our ability to speak with honesty and no ill-intent; development of greater Technologis preceded what was thought to be the common good – half the world had starved, the other lost their morality.
In the year 3001, tech giants Technologis reached a synchronicity that allowed them monopoly of the entire globe’s financial development. By 3003 they had run themselves into cease-production so extensive that they were no longer able to employ the some 20 billion people on the Earth & supplies for this population were no longer available. In 3007, the world was reduced to a wasteland.
How アウト lived a thousand years beyond prediction, I do not know – though, he could only vouch for some 500 of those years. アウト had disappeared from 2500, re-emerging in the late 2900’s as ACTUA had full control over the populous. Some say the [future-blade##333_3-design] he carried was the work of Gyre, a craftsman who had supplied DOZE operatives with weaponry & free-source supplies throughout the 2000’s.
I saw him in 2445, shortly before he disappeared.
“Reek, you’re going to have to survive these next 500 on your own. I don’t have the energy to lug another trouble-maker half a k into the future.”
“Yeah, I thought you might say that! We’ve had some fun, you & I”
“defz, listen – Technologis is beyond us, I’m going to do my best to see it through to its demise. In another 200 years the ACTUA will be too powerful to be stopped. DOZE was a cut & chase mission, we weren’t going to save what was already detriment.”
“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
“Listen, Reek – you’re tough, you’ll last long enough to see ACTUA-”
It was then that an armored vehicle with the letters DOZE sprayed across the side flew over the dune to our North, and began hurtling towards us. アウト was gone, and I was left with my bulb_rifle jamming & my radio buzzing with what seemed to be interference.
A message got through – “if you want to save Earth, you might want to move..!”
I started running. I could hear the DOZE tank bearing down on me as I scrambled through what foliage I could find. My bulb_rifle recharged after a few surges, and I opened fire on the armored vehicle, catching it side on and sending it flipping into a nearby dune. I saw アウト sprinting along the dunes to the North and yelled “You won’t last long out there!”
He was well beyond sight by the time the DOZE operatives had begun crawling from the wreckage.
“You lot are chewie bastards, aren’t ya?”