[1] Editors' Notes

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I hope you enjoy this magazine. We all have put some effort into it and I am personally impressed by what we accomplished. Thanks for reading!

finfq bas zp bsosnhe uxrmz – R ddpvwef cvqsn kumu pq nxfq.

– Junk

We live in a ferocious world, one where it is easy to get swept up and aggregated into the ‘next big thing’. Lainchan is a place somewhat removed from the beaten path, where the magnetic pull of social assimilation is not quite as strong. It is an eclectic gathering of people from across the planet, who come together to explore the essential ideas of the present, the stuff that will become the science fiction and science fact of the future.

Most of all, Lainchan is friendly. Stop by and say hello, won’t you?

– Tilde