➔ [1] Art of the Glitch
| 12 minute read
An Existential Analysis of its Products, Processes, and Practitioners by Dylan “The glitch is a wonderful experience of an interruption that shifts an object away from its ordinary form and discourse. For a moment I am shocked, lost and in awe, asking myself what this other utterance is, how was it created. Is it perhaps… a glitch? But once I named it, the momentum – the glitch – is no more…”
➔ [1] Editors' Notes
| 1 minute read
I hope you enjoy this magazine. We all have put some effort into it and I am personally impressed by what we accomplished. Thanks for reading!
finfq bas zp bsosnhe uxrmz – R ddpvwef cvqsn kumu pq nxfq.
– Junk
We live in a ferocious world, one where it is easy to get swept up and aggregated into the ‘next big thing’. Lainchan is a place somewhat removed from the beaten path, where the magnetic pull of social assimilation is not quite as strong.
➔ [1] For Lainzine #1
| 1 minute read
For Lainzine #1 by Kalyx Woa, a zine on Lainchan? Is this what you guys were doing while I was trudging through sector 7.b–189 looking for unused datacards last week [depression]? This is really something, glitch scattered between the pages… impressive. Just in time for the birthday party. Lainchan is the name, OC is the game. Look out for my submission soon.
– Kalyx
➔ [1] FreeBSD Guide for Newbs and Dummies
| 5 minute read
by gh0st Getting the release First go to freebsd.org and pick the proper architecture. You will see the option of x86 and x64. To find out which one to pick you generally need to go by how much RAM you have. If you have under 4gigs of RAM the go with x86, 4gigs or more then go with x64.
Knowledge requirements Unix basics – i.e. directory setups and concepts. Shell, i.
➔ [1] Gopher Protocol
| 6 minute read
Developed in 1991 by a team at University of Minnesota, the gopher protocol is a TCP/IP document distribution system that was popular before the world wide web became the standard protocol. It is primarily devoted to serving plain text documents organized into a hierarchical directory structure and lacks formatting, dynamic content, and even the mixing of media and text. While the protocol may not have style sheets, it certainly has style.
➔ [1] Introduction to Cryptography
| 7 minute read
by peeping_Tom Cryptography is the practice of secret writing where information is hidden from adversaries. First used by the military, it is now used in every facet of our lives, from simple web browsing to paying bills, talking to your friends, and much more. With examples, I will show you the basics of cryptography and how all encryption is crackable. Cryptography is a wide topic that takes much mathematical ingenuity, so I sliced it into two parts.
➔ [1] Noise
| 2 minute read
Tapping into the noise - building a contact microphone There is a constant humming in the wires above.
We are told that at either end sits a small terminal box that listens carefully and modulates the cosmic pulses to find what is useful.
But in recent years, the wires have stretched out. The terminal has receded to some unattainable point in the distance. We find ourselves in the open: Alone and listening, but unable to separate the signal from the noise.
➔ [1] Recommended Reading: The Craft of Text Editing
| 2 minute read
by Craig Finseth Are you interested in text editing, fellow Lains? I would certainly hope so.
For those wanting to go further in expanding their knowledge, ‘The Craft of Text Editing’ is an excellent read.
The book is based on the author’s bachelor thesis examining the underlying principles of text editors of the time. After 11 years, it was expanded into a book to cover the advances and other changes that had occurred in the meanwhile.
➔ [1] Structure-based ASCII Art
| 26 minute read
by Xuemiao Xu1, Linling Zhang2, Tien-Tsin Wong3 The Chinese University of Hong Kong https://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~ttwong/papers/asciiart/asciiart.pdf Abstract The wide availability and popularity of text-based communication channels encourage the usage of ASCII art in representing images. Existing tone-based ASCII art generation methods lead to halftone-like results and require high text resolution for display, as higher text resolution offers more tone variety. This paper presents a novel method to generate structure-based ASCII art that is currently mostly created by hand.
➔ [1] Where Do I Start?
| 5 minute read
A primer to offensive security by Hash_Value Every computer forum you find is flooded with questions about hacking. When lainchan makes it big, we are going to get these questions a lot on /cyb/, so point them to this guide when they ask!
Hacking has a lot of definitions depending on who you ask, but let’s go straight to offensive security (which I know is what you all want anyway). First, you will need a basic but strong foundation in programming, networking and operating systems.