[3] Video Games, Real World Currency, and You

   |   8 minute read   |   Using 1495 words

By Kashire


Greetings fellow Lainers! Kashire here. Imagine if you will that you’re sitting in IRC, talking to all us cool bastards, posting around the board, and checking out some news. Maybe you’re watching steins;gate for the 19th time.

Now imagine you’re doing this… while generating a mostly passive income. This is passive income that basically takes ~30 minutes in total out of your day, to get an extra $50 just passed into your bank account.

Hold on there, kiddo. Close Google. There are some rules, regulations, and a lot of work put in before you’re getting an extra $50 a day - that’s what this guide is for. :)

Before we get started, I’d like to put a disclaimer here, as well as give you an idea of what to expect when reading this guide. The names of the games and companies have been slightly altered to prevent anything linking the games and companies to this site. Don’t post a link or name, because it makes it easier to get back to us.

What this is:

  • A theoretical example on how to make a livable income in a video game.
  • An introduction to R.Scape, its economy, and how it could benefit you.
  • An example of what to do when your MMORPG is being exploited!

What this isn’t:

  • Leaking any unique strategies.
  • Telling you to break ToS or laws.
  • Telling you to quit your job and invest in a bot army (FOR THE LOVE OF LAIN DO NOT DO THIS).

The mindset

For starters, one big trap a lot of people run into when they’re trying to make a passive income is keeping their mind on this income. That’s not how it works with most things. R.Scape in particular is a shaky game, and if you make a mistake, you could completely fuck yourself out of even getting started.

The first thing you want to do is to not expect to become a millionaire. Some people actually do this, I’ve met with a couple people in the past few weeks who have shown me proof of making 6 digits, sometimes 7 or even 8 digits. These guys have been working their ass off, are extremely clever, and continue to work their asses off. Don’t aim for this. If it happens, cool, but when you’re starting out, your first goal needs to be: break even in the first two weeks.

Don’t get crazy. Don’t taunt the game moderators (Seriously, I do this, but I’m also careful about this). It’s like running up to a cop, grabbing his gun, and waving it in front of his face. It’s funny as hell, but when you get busted you’re kind of screwed.

As long as you’re not the guys who exploited code from R.Scape, you won’t run into any issues. Don’t run a website selling gold, don’t run a site that is a pay-to-use service. Just don’t be stupid. You’ll generate too much attention if you generate too much income. Those guys who exploited the code built a bot with it, did injections, and jegax sued their asses and literally took their homes. Just don’t do it. Just sell gold to people who sell gold to players.

Getting started

It’s actually fairly simple. A lot of this is time consuming at first, but it starts to slow down and becomes a lot less obnoxious as things go by (you’ll still need to do a few things at the last few steps, but overall, you should be fine). This guide is generally useful in any situation, however, I will be going with R.scape as the general idea.

I’d like to just throw this in here: I’m giving information in here that people generally pay money for. This is a compilation of information I have gained over the course of a long time, and no I have not dropped a dime.


Find that item you’re going to be farming, or any method of producing the maximum amount of gold possible. You really need to do this, and you need to double/triple/quadruple check that it’s efficient and has maximum potential. You are going to want to pore over a lot of different things. Some games have access to their economic charts, which makes this save a lot of time waiting, but it’s still really obnoxious.

This means:

  • Setup time: How long will it take for your accounts to fulfill the requirements?
  • GP/HR: What is the rate? Is it good? Keep this data, cross check with other GP/HRs
  • What is the competition? If a lot of people are doing this, you probably want to stay away from it.
  • What is the ban rate? If you do it anyways, figure out the ban rates. Remember, we’re botting here.

A good general concept to go by: Gross Profits VS Setup Time

So, let’s say I have this idea. It makes me 650K gold per hour. However, it takes me roughly three weeks to get an account set up. Is it worth it? That’s for you to decide (yes, this is worth it to me, but only after I have a good setup before hand. We’ll get to this later).

Bot Research

The only things you need to know here is:

If you use a public script (free):

  • Ban rates?
  • Test it – Does it work? (protip: ALWAYS watch your bot for the first 20 minutes)
  • Is there a premium version? (These come with better stuff that may be worth your while)

If you use a premium script:

  • Ban rates?
  • How many people are using this?
  • DOES IT FUCKIN’ WORK? – It better.

If you make your own scripts:

  • Pay attention to updates.. To both the game AND the bot engine.
  • Do some extensive testing
  • Research on anti-ban/detection methods.
  • If you want, you can also sell your script to a few people to generate extra income :)

Make sure you put the effort into this. The longer you go without a ban, the better profits you make, without having to do anymore maintenance on your squad.

VPS Research

Yep. You’re going to want a VPS. Why?

  • If you get IP Banned at home, you’re done botting.
  • If you want to run multiple bots (you probably do) this is how you’ll be able to.

(Most games only let you run one game per computer, games that don’t care how many instances are ran, check for unusual activity. It’s antiban!)

Things you want to know:

  • For R.Scape, 500MB RAM = 1 bot. You’ll want a 100 ms bandwidth. Don’t run more than 2 - 4 bots on a VPS.
  • For other games, you’ll need to figure this out yourself. The information is harder to find.
  • Value is in: [Server uptime] [General Reliability] [Good customer service] Always look into your VPS option before you give them any money.

The ACTUAL set up.

This is pretty simple and straight forward, but I’ll put it here anyways.

  • Set your VPS up for the game you’re botting.
  • Create your account THERE. You want no connection to your IP.
  • Get your script on.
  • woo?

Maintain your stuff

This is the part a few people struggle with. You’re going to get bots banned, you’re going to lose a few hours of income, and there isn’t a ton you can do about it. You need to move through this. You just need to have a backup plan. Thankfully, I got one for you.

First of all, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have a set of accounts ready to replace any banned ones. If you don’t, you’ll have setbacks for days/weeks/months.

You need to buy another VPS, and get it ready on that area. Keep the VPS on standby, and just let it sit there. Don’t risk losing your army over greed.

Second, you need to create mules. “Kashire, what’s a mule?” Well, it’s basically a clean account that has no connection to being botted on.

If you do this properly, let’s say VPS-A gets banned. You still got all your gold/loot so you don’t lose all your income. :) I’m sorry, by the way, but I can’t give you my method of how I clean my bots. But I can say that one good method is PVP.

You generally want to clean your mule once after every session. (Let’s say you run a bot for 4 hours straight a day. You clean after it’s done.)

ABOVE shows how Mules work. Mules are clean accounts that have no connection to being botted on.

Author’s notes

So, yeah… that’s a beginner’s guide to gold farming. It might not be a flawless guide that leads you to crazy income, but as long as you follow it, you can generate a decent amount of cash from a video game. I can’t really dish out too much information otherwise it would screw me over, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a goldmine of information! Use this stuff as a guide line, and build on it.

~ Kashire